Resources for Professional Advisors
By partnering with Muskoka Community Foundation, professional advisors like you – accountants, lawyers, life insurance agents, financial planners and others – can assist your clients in fulfilling their financial, family, and philanthropic goals. We can help you connect your clients to the causes they care about.
When your clients give through their community foundation, they:
Receive personalized service we work closely with you and your clients to develop a giving approach that matches their personal interests and tax planning needs. We can help integrate charitable giving within estate and financial plans, establish Donor Advised or other funds named for your clients, facilitate anonymous giving, and assist with even the most complex gift instruments.
Gain local grantmaking expertise our staff and volunteers monitor all areas of community need – including social services, education, the environment, health care, youth, seniors and the arts. We can help your clients learn more about local organizations and programs that make a difference in the areas they care about most.
Support community leadership because community foundations support all kinds of charities, we are well positioned to bring people and organizations together, convening diverse voices to address local issues and opportunities. Our business is building community.
How Our Funds Are Managed
Our Endowment Funds are deposited with the TD Wealth for investment and management.
Investments at TD Wealth are reviewed regularly by the Muskoka Community Foundation Board of Directors.
TD Wealth investment strategy aims to generate an investment return which:
- Achieves granting requirements,
- Preserves the purchasing power of the capital,
- Establishes a reserve in the event of future market declines, and
- Recovers the cost of administering the Funds.
Their portfolio is structured and managed to achieve the targeted rate of investment return while assuming the lowest possible risk.
Click here here to review TD Wealth’s investment policy.