Time: 12:30—4:30pm
Location: Mark O’Meara Clubhouse, Huntsville
Cost: $60.00
Facilitated by: Paul Nazareth, Vice President, Education &
Development at the Canadian Association of Gift Planners
Philanthropy and fundraising is evolving, on many fronts. What does this mean for your charity? Where will charities and fundraising land in this changing landscape? Where does your organization fit into current Canadian giving trends and strategy? How can you adjust and amplify your ask to take advantage of demographics, technology and social response to philanthropic needs?
Paul will review a number of Canadian resources and data, then discuss how to adapt to today’s donor and funder landscape recognizing that we have limited time, resources and capacity. You will leave with a better understanding of where we are as a sector, as a community here in Muskoka and how you can adjust your fundraising strategy for the year to come.
Who should attend:
- ED’s and board will gain insight into philanthropic trends for organizational strategy
- Finance staff will learn about advanced donation receipting and administration
- Staff tasked with fundraising will learn about the most important diversification of revenue – asset based giving