You must meet the following criteria to be eligible for a grant from MCF:
- A registered charity as defined by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), located in and providing services in the District of Muskoka.
- The proposed work must qualify as charitable and benefit a community or communities in Muskoka.
- The granted funds must be used to provide for the betterment of Muskoka.
- Projects must have a well-defined purpose and cover a specific time period.
- All successful applicants will be required to provide a written summary of the grant’s impact at the conclusion of their initiative.
Grants from the Smart & Caring Muskoka Fund will not be given:
- to cover operating deficits or retire debts
- to provide endowment funds
- for sectarian, religious, or political purposes
- to individuals
Approval of a grant does not commit MCF to future funding.
All successful applicants will be asked to publicly acknowledge MCF’s support of their initiative and partner with MCF in sharing the good news about their grant and initiative with the community of Muskoka.